Written by Ethan Bundy at ~age 15, illustrated by the same at ~30
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In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.
He made the earth, and He made a sun for it to go around, and then He kicked the earth and every time the spot He kicked faced the sun...
God made tiny little ribbons of energy, and then He wove those together into elementary particles. He stacked up the particles into atoms, and then stuck those atoms into clumps until they made everything else.
He decided what time was, what light was, what gravity was, what perception was, and He made humans a little bit lower than the angels, which were a lot lower than He was.
Suddenly, everything beganto rumble.
God sat up straight
in His throne, His eyes wide,
and just as His mouth opened up a bit to speak, everything exploded.
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The earth and sun exploded, and the atoms exploded, and even the elementary particles exploded as all the ribbons of energy unwound and went sailing away in all directions at the speed of light. And God exploded.
But Godcan’t explode.
And so, it turned out thatGodwasn’t God at all. He was just a god.
The real God had just set off a big bang. S/He was about to create everything. It was the beginning again.
How could the first god have not seen God, or known that S/He existed?
Well, just as the first god made humans a little lower than the angels, and the angels a lot lower than himself, god was also a lot smaller than something… ...God.
God, when S/He exploded all the energy ribbons in the universe, did not really notice the first god, like a child building a sand castle on top of an anthill. An infinite sandcastle.
So, this was the true beginning. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
S/He tore out an eyeball
and called it the sun.
S/He spat at the sun, and the spittle spun in circles around it, and every time it came back to Them, God called it a year. After seven years, God sat down on the throne to look at what S/He had made.
“It is good,” S/He said.
"Not that good,” Someone Else said.
God couldn’t heartheSomeone Else, becauses/heand all their new creation were inside a giant glass ball the size of a hundred thousand solar systems.Except that,of course, the glass ball wasn’tmade of glass, and wasn’t in the shape of a ball. It was a far more complex shape that didn’t exist.
“It’s not bad,” Someone Else concluded.“But I’ve seen better.”
In reality, "God" -who was actually just another, slightly bigger, but still pretty small, god- and everything s/he had ever made was inside of a big glass ball that wasn’t a glass ball. And that glass ball sat on the shelf of God.
God stood up, a little bored with this, the newest of an infinite number of creations. God saw everything. He even saw the creation and destruction of the first god, though He didn’t pay much attention since the second god was covering it up, being slightly
The second god was slightly bigger than the first god from the real God’s perspective. But, of course, He was infinitely bigger from His own perspective, when compared to the first god.
God yawned, and went out into the night to oversee His creation.
The beginning had long since past. He had createdeverythingmany eons ago, and when it all turned out pretty well, He created other creators inside of snow globes and crystal balls. Theydidn’t know that He was watching, and He rarely interfered with them.
This recent reenactment had put Him in the mood to take another look at His own creations. He hadn’t inspected His original Earth in many years.
For the sake of argument, we can say that God flew over the Earth, and walked on the ground, looking at all the things. Of course, in reality, God no more flew than a whisper leaps, or walked than an idea scurries, and it was all more of a mixture of ancient magic and vibrations. But, for the sake of argument, and imagery, God walked.
He landed in a meadow, near a grove of trees. It was dusk. There were no humans around, but if there had been, He would have been invisible, regardless. God, in His perfect wisdom, knew this before He landed…and He had known that He would come to be here, at such a time and in such a way, since the beginning. And before the beginning He had also known, because He, Himself, had never began in the first place.
God knew every atom in this clearing like the back of His hand. Not only did He remember making them, they were him, just as much as His hand itself was. The bark of the trees,the clouds of thesky, the clover on the ground…all Him.
With His mindon such things,Godbent down and ran His hand through the clover …with the same sensation of running it through His hair.
He ran it back and forth for a while, enjoying the feeling, and thinking.
Then His hand hit on something strange.
God’s fingers closed on something new.
He pluckedit out…
…it was a
four leaf clover.
It felt like His hand was asleep, holding this something else in between His thumb and index finger.
Godkneweverything He had done, would do, and was doing, and they were each the same thing.
But Hehadn’tdonethis.
He hadn’t put thishere. Not only was there NOT meant to be a four leaf clover here, at this time, but there was not meant to be one with this makeup of DNA, anywhere, ever.
God cast the clover away, but even laying among its brethren it burnedlikeabeacon in His mind, real in a differentreality than anything else.
godthrew his hood over his head, and fled, far awayand into the darkestcorners of space and time, forever looking over his shoulder for Whatever Elsewasoutthere.